February Competition! Win a Free ICanPlaySport Course!

Enter your details for your chance to win a free ICanPlaySport course for a child you know. ICanPlaySport offers fun, friendly sports classes to 2-3 and 4-7 year olds in Stafford, Telford and Wolverhampton.

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Our new mobile-friendly booking system is online!

We’re really pleased to announce that our new online booking system is now available ready for course 3 (which starts 28th/29th November), for both new and re-enrolling customers!

It’s been designed especially for smartphones and tablets (but will work on desktops too) and combines a simple booking system with the security of PayPal for online payments.

Click this link for a step-by-step guide on How to re-enrol online.PDF

If you’re a new customer this guide will help you:

New customers online booking infoPDF

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Why does my child need Fundamental Movement Skills? And what are they anyway?

You might have heard of the terms ‘fundamental movement skills’ and ‘fundamentals of movement’ mentioned in relation to children’s development and not really know what they mean or their importance in introducing children to sport.

The ‘fundamentals of movement’ are the abilities of agility, balance and co-ordination* and they are needed to participate successfully in any sport.

‘Fundamental movement skills’ are more complex than the fundamentals of movement. They provide the foundations for sport-specific skills, for example travelling, jumping, sending, receiving and striking.

To develop a healthy lifestyle and enjoyment of sport you can help your child to develop fundamental movement skills by encouraging them to take part in a wide range of physical activities.

By helping to develop your child’s fundamental movement skills you’ll also help to support their confidence, self-esteem, physical development, creativity, problem solving skills, independence and ability to work with others.

ICanPlaySport can help you to support your child. We offer fun, friendly sports classes designed by an experienced PE teacher that are focused on developing your child’s fundamental movement skills and introducing them to fundamental sports skills.

Our classes are organised into 6 week courses, each focusing on helping your child develop through a specific sport. Over 12 months your child will experience basketball, badminton, hockey, tennis, cricket, rugby and football.


To book a class at one of our venues in Stafford, Codsall or Newport just click here.

If you’d like to arrange a free session at one of our classes, just contact me by email on [email protected] or by phone on 07582 663994 and I’ll be happy to help.



*agility – being able to change direction effectively and efficiently

balance – being able to keep a good base of support, so you don’t fall over

co-ordination – being able to use different parts of the body smoothly and efficiently

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7 Sporty Ideas You Can Do At Home Today

Before reading this… If you really need to get out of the house, we’re running free taster sessions of our sports classes for 2-7 year olds. Book now to avoid disappointment!


  1. Parachute games with an old bedsheet (this needs 4 or more family members to be the most fun)

Each family member holds one corner of the sheet (the bigger and older the sheet the better). Can you wiggle the sheet and make it flap? Can you work together to make a “mushroom” shape? When the parachute is lifted can one person run under it and out of the other side? Can you put a ball on the parachute and flick it up into the air? (a bouncy lightweight football is good for this, hard balls hurt if they come down on heads!)


Having fun in the garden with an old sheet and a ball


  1. Build a cushion obstacle course

Use cushions from the sofa, pillows, duvets and blankets to create your kids their very own obstacle course. Can they jump from cushion to cushion? Can they crawl under a blanket? Can they balance along a rolled up duvet? Can they use a stopwatch to time themselves, their siblings or you?


  1. Mini challenges – ask your child:

Can you bounce the ball off the wall and catch it? Can you do it 3 times in a row? Can you pass the ball between your knees? Can you do it again without dropping it? Can you hold the ball between your knees and walk? Can you throw the ball up, spin around and catch it? Can you find me 4 different types of leaves in less than a minute? Etc etc etc…


  1. Cyclocross in the garden

If you’ve got a bike, a trike or even a scooter you can do this in your garden. Using what you’ve got to hand – skipping ropes, swimming floats and other toys from the shed you can build a fun course for your child to navigate around. They can go in and out, circle around things, have fast corners and long straights to glide along.


  1. Kitchen table hockey

Use biros for hockey sticks and a ping-pong ball (or even a screwed up piece of newspaper) the aim is to hit the ball off your opponent’s end of the table. You can control the ‘ball’ with your stick, no catching it in your hands! The first player to five points wins.


  1. A good old water fight!

(ok, so it’s not strictly sporty, but they are lots of fun and will lead to lots of running around!)


  1. Play Sardines – Great in the house if it’s a wet day.

All the players gather together. Choose one to be the ‘hider’. Everyone else counts to 20 and the hider hides. The rest of the players then separate to search for the hider and when they find the hider, the searchers hide too! The last player to find the hider becomes the new hider for the next game.


Have you got any fun activities that your family enjoy at home? We’d love to hear about them. Please share them on our Facebook page and tweet us your ideas and pictures.


Have a great action-packed summer!


And if you still need something to do, we’re running free taster sessions for our sports classes this August.

Codsall Leisure Centre: Sunday 16th August 10am-1pm

Sports Zone at Stafford College: Saturday 22nd August 1pm-5pm

Adam’s Grammar School, Newport: Wednesday 19th August 1pm-5pm


You can book your child’s place online at icanplaysport.co.uk or www.facebook.com/icanplaysport.

Or call Susie and say hello on 07582 663994 or .

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