7 Reasons Why Girls Should Play Sports

by Susie 7.6.16

Firstly, a bit of background. I have always loved sport and I started ICanPlaySport because, from 10 year teaching in schools, I saw how many girls lacked confidence in their physical ability. Sometimes their inhibition was so bad, girls felt they couldn’t take part at all. They would try to explain by telling me “but I can’t catch” or “I’m too fat” or “I’m scared of the boys”.

For me, being able to change those opinions and give the girls the belief that sport is for anyone, was incredibly rewarding. But girls should not be made to feel like that in the first place.

Early participation in sport is so important for girls, here are 7 reasons why…

Playing sport boosts girls self confidence.

Girls feel better about themselves when they can practice, see and feel improvement and achieve goals. Taking part in sport gives girls a sense of achievement and confidence in themselves and their bodies.

Girls who play sports do better in school.

Girls who play sport are better motivated than those who don’t and exercise improves learning, memory and concentration. All are useful in the classroom!


Sports are great for health

They help girls maintain a healthy weight, develop fitness and girls who play sport are less likely to take up smoking. In later life, girls who play sport are less likely to get breast cancer or osteoporosis.

Exercise reduces stress

With children feeling under more stress at school than ever before, playing sport can help to counter-act those feelings. Playing sport stimulates the body to produce endorphins, which help girls to feel happier.

Being part of a team helps girls develop teamwork and leadership skills

In sport, girls get to work together to achieve common goals, get to celebrate shared success and work together to improve performance. They learn to problem solve, give instructions and listen to one another. Girls can learn to manage high pressure situations and make decisions. These skills are really useful for success in school, with friends and into adulthood.

Playing sports encourages friendships

And friendships are great for being happy and coping with the difficult situations that life can spring at girls!

Playing sport is fun!

and we all want our girls to have fun, right?

ICanPlaySport offers fun, friendly weekly sports coaching classes to girls and boys aged 2-3 and 4-7. If you’d like to book a free trial session, just click the button and let us know!

Book a free trial session now!